Betrayal's Revenge
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Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel

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Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel I_vote_lcap67%Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel I_vote_rcap 67% 
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Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel I_vote_lcap0%Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel I_vote_lcap33%Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel I_vote_rcap 33% 
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Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel I_vote_lcap0%Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel I_vote_lcap0%Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Total Votes : 3

Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel Empty Epic Trolling of TheBarkyardigans by Daniel

Post by Justin Sat May 11, 2013 4:14 pm

This brings back memories...Anyway, Thebarkyardigans was the leader of a failiance and had demanded that certain FoA players submit before him. He started this all by posting that Daniel wasn't being a good slave to which I replied by saying that because Daniel is black, his comment was horribly and hilariously out of line. Meanwhile, in chat, Daniel has just arrived. Note: Texts in Italics are private messages.

To Daniel6505: Shh.. act black and offended that he called you a slave.
Thebarkyardigans: Justin
Thebarkyardigans: look at the post
Thebarkyardigans: I said I jus want helping hands
Daniel6505: Bitch called me a slave again?
Daniel6505: Bark Ill have you know I am a proud member of the African American community
Dragonfist101x2: *chokes with laughter*
Daniel6505: My great great grandfather was an actual slave in the summer of 1803-1823
Thebarkyardigans: Daniel, I never new you were african american
Thebarkyardigans: And said helping hands for my alliance
Daniel6505: Under the tyrannical rule of his owner Michael Washington
Dragonfist101x2: george washington's brother?
Daniel6505: He worked 16 hour days in the hot sun and cool nights in southern Virginia picking cotton and managing the livestock on the mannar
Daniel6505: Because of this I have take GREAT offence in your use of the word slave towards me
Daniel6505: You will be hearing from kong.
Daniel6505: Well that was fun (reply)
Thebarkyardigans: Daniel, How would I know you were african american?
Thebarkyardigans: By the way, how would you actually be my slve?
Thebarkyardigans: There is no way, so really, you point doesn't ake since
Daniel6505: And then you are so insensitive that you QUESTION ME ABOUT IT
Thebarkyardigans: So please stop trying to make me feel bad
JustinM2: Let me find the quote...
Thebarkyardigans: Daniel, how did I question yo?
JustinM2: "justin, daniel is not being a good slave. Talk some sense into him."
Thebarkyardigans: How would I know your culture?
Daniel6505: My cultural backround is none of your business! It is mine to tell you, not yours to use as you please
Daniel6505: You are one of the maany things that is wrong with out great nation
Thebarkyardigans: You still haven't explained how I would know you are african american. So really anything you say doesn't make a point
Daniel6505: Just as General Custer and Adolf Hitler before you, you seem to have no point of view towards and entire culture of which you seem to want gone.
Thebarkyardigans: Seems like daniel is not listening
Thebarkyardigans: So I will stop trying to reason with him
Daniel6505: this is fun as hell lol (reply)
Daniel6505: Once you insult my heritage there is no reason left.
Daniel6505: My heritage is my life, it is what has molded me into the man I am today
Thebarkyardigans: Did I know you were african american?
Thebarkyardigans: Nope?
Thebarkyardigans: CAn you be a slave inthis game?
Thebarkyardigans: Nope?
Daniel6505: And you throw it to the ground and stomp on it.
Thebarkyardigans: what?
Daniel6505: My favorite thus far is the General Custer thing. (reply
Daniel6505: I thought it was rather clever (reply)

To Daniel6505: Eh...
Thebarkyardigans: oh
Daniel6505: NOW
Daniel6505: Bark
Thebarkyardigans: Wat?
Daniel6505: I will give you 2 choices
sevenduster1: Dem Cans.
Dragonfist101x2: hey bark, wanna be my slave?
Daniel6505: You can drop it and never speak to me again, or even think of my cultural backround in a negative sort of way
JustinM2: Gimme dem cans.
Daniel6505: OR you can continue to opress me and the rest of my African American brothers in the same manner that you do to the dirt on which you walk
Daniel6505: Ill leave you to your decisions.
Thebarkyardigans: first option I guess. Last comment to you, buddy ole pal. But next time, try to listen.
Daniel6505: NOW. Ill be back in 20, my wife just came home with some KFC, my daughter has cut the watermelon and my son has prepared some Kool Aid.
sevenduster1: Lmao
JustinM2: Lmao
Daniel6505: Cherry on top (reply)
Thebarkyardigans: *sighs because now he can't answer daniel because he just said he never would again*
Daniel6505: You have crossed the line.
To Daniel6505: May I suggest castration?
Daniel6505: Youll be hearing from my Lawyer, Sir. Sanders
Daniel6505: He served in the Kentucky state militia where he retired in 78' at the rank of Colonol.
Daniel6505: This is way to much fun (reply)
To Daniel6505: I think this is going on our thread.
Dragonfist101x2: man, i wish i had a brother like daniel
Dragonfist101x2: would be so fun. . .
Daniel6505: xD
kalashnikov: Ikr? I'd love to have a black brother, lol
Daniel6505: Who said I was black?
JustinM2: Lol
kalashnikov: you, lol
Dragonfist101x2: rofl
JustinM2: Trolled.
Daniel6505: <---Whiter than paper
AngieW3: yea wish i had a man like Daniel
JustinM2: Lmao
Dragonfist101x2: whoa angie. . .he's MINE
Daniel6505: Ladies ladies.... And Justin... please
Daniel6505: Theres plenty of truffles to go around
kalashnikov: lol
JustinM2: I hate truffles.
AngieW3: ok i take Justin
Thebarkyardigans: =(
kalashnikov: wait, you aren't black? :O
kalashnikov: XD
AngieW3: Daniel i think Dragon is a guy
Thebarkyardigans: daniel that was offensive chat behavior
sevenduster1: Only his cans are black.
kalashnikov: how'd you figure that out?
JustinM2: Lol.
kalashnikov: bark, shove it up your truffle hole
Thebarkyardigans: I might hav to report him
kalashnikov: XD
JustinM2: Might.
sevenduster1: I report Dan all the time, nothing happens.
Daniel6505: xD
JustinM2: Lol
Thebarkyardigans: Well, maybe something will
Daniel6505: Ill report you for being racist towards me and my African American brother
Thebarkyardigans: Lol you just said you were" whiter than paper
Daniel6505: And my Great Great Grandfather, Ernesto
Thebarkyardigans: I am reporting you
kalashnikov: he has reverse michael jackson syndrome?
Daniel6505: I think I made him mad xD
Daniel6505: Bark Im black lol
JustinM2: I think so.
Daniel6505: I act white
Daniel6505: Get it
Daniel6505: Got it?
Daniel6505: Good
kalashnikov: lol
Daniel6505: He would cry to the mods lol (reply)
Daniel6505: After such a monumental trolling (reply)
To Daniel6505: My figurative hat is off to you, sir.
Daniel6505: The hat of oppression.... Ill have you know that my Great Great Granfather, Ernesto worked 16 hours a day in the cotton fields of Souther Virginia.. (reply)
To Daniel6505: Lmao the trolling is over Daniel. Please go back to white
Daniel6505: Lol (reply)
Daniel6505: Acting like an offended black guy for 15 minutes was alot funner than being white for the last few months... (reply)

Posts : 160
Join date : 2013-01-23

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